The Year 1 class has been very busy so far this term.

In English, the class has been focusing on, “Read, Write Inc” program and practising sounds and “special friends” for example “oi” words, “ea” words. Each day the Year 1’s sound out words, count how many “Freddy Fingers” each word has and write the words on their whiteboards. The students are able to sound out and write words such as- join, coin, noise, foil, voice. They’ve been doing a fantastic job, well done class!

In Maths, the students have been working on counting forwards and backwards on number lines and using ten frames for addition and subtraction. It has sometimes been a bit tricky, but everyone has tried very hard with the activities. The Year 1’s have enjoyed playing games such as “Number Bingo” and “Snakes and Ladders” when they have finished their work.

During STEM, for this term, the Year 1’s are enjoying constructing, using Lego and blocks. They have been making specific things using pictures or patterns, or just having fun creating constructions.

In class, the Year 1’s have enjoyed participating in the Mother’s Day card making competition. Well done, to Mariam Aboud for winning the Year 1 section. They have also enjoyed making decorations and colouring pictures to help celebrate Ramadan and Eid.

Earlier in the term, the Year 1 students joined in with an incursion called “The Safety Squad.”

Please make sure that you listen to your child read each night and sign the yellow reading diary. The students look forward to getting stickers in their reading diary for reading at home. Homework is being sent home Mondays and handed in Fridays. I have made a white booklet that has the English work and tells the Oxford Maths page number for each week. Please help your child complete and hand in their homework each Friday.

Thank you for all of your support, Happy Eid to all families.

Mrs Stacey Koktas
Year 1 Teacher